Simple farm, simple food.

We started farming this land in 2018. The fields and woods were untouched, without any structures for livestock. With big goals and simple intentions, we bought some sheep, built a barn and set out on this journey we call Wild Ginger Farm.

Wild Ginger Farm is set on 10 acres of pasture and forest in East Fairfield, VT. We farm by rotationally grazing our sheep and chickens so that during the grazing season, they always have access to fresh forage and green grass. This keeps our animals healthy and happy, while fertilizing our soils and allowing our pastures to rest and regrow.

We raise Katahdin and Katahdin x Dorper sheep, for their breed qualities and the hybrid vigor of the cross breed. They have excellent mothering abilities, low maintenance, high carcass yields, and parasite resistance. The sheep are protected by a 6-year-old Maremma x Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog (LGD) named Maybelle, and a 1-year-old Maremma LGD named Davey.